We Are Human Ventures

eitan capital is more than just research, development or an investment fund, We NURTURE the NeXT bIG NExT

Open socio-cognitive projects accelerator platform, aiming to enhance continuous, wide-scale, elastic interweaving between people, active learning and knowledge in various settings, terraforming organizational climate to agility

Our lives are constantly changing and unexpected. We want people to take control over their environment. We want people to find the most suitable home and not by technical specifications but by who they really are

Current healthcare ecosystem is fragmented. Our goal is to improve flow of information and allow constant and reliable exchange of information in a fun and easy to use open digital marketplace of wellness and healthcare services

Our story

Eitan Capital (for human ventures) redefines how we look at an investment and holding company that sees itself as a technology transfer agency for groundbreaking public policy research that has an impact on the daily lives of tens of millions of people in Israel and around the world. It is a funding arm for the Eitan Institute, an educational information technology research organization (not for profit). Eitan’s goal is to change the face of education, to transform students into entrepreneurs, thinkers, activists, that are responsible for their own learning, and create meaningful outcomes that influence students and teachers everywhere at all times.

From this vision we seek to offer a better future, to shape and influence the reality of people and to give them ways to learn and carve their own future, to be those who help and have the courage to step forward and mobilize, not only for themselves but for the benefit of others. We call it "The entrepreneurial company", that is unique not only in initiating and nurturing independent ventures by locating talented teams that will raise the required capital, but mainly in carrying out initial research. This research includes the building of a working prototype, through comprehensive whole system architecture that harnesses the principles of the flywheel and the rugby game philosophy, taking into account human aspects in the engineering solution of complex problems.

“One can resist the invasion of an army, one cannot resist the invasion of ideas” is an observation on the human nature, beautifully crafted by Victor Hugo. Unique to our thinking, being free from any constraint and subordination to agreed paradigms, Eitan Capital enables to integrate multi-dimensional and interdisciplinary knowledge, accumulated over 25 years of research and development, to identify trends at various stages hidden by cognitive biases in industries that have difficulty making transformative improvements, and that prefer faux innovation, one that retrofits new technology to old operational principles that impairs competency and competitiveness over time.

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Are n Co.

Supporting the ongoing efforts led by the Eitan research institute, reshaping the education using groundbreaking thinking on technology, knowledge and people

A first of a kind open educational platform that will facilitate wide scale participation and collaboration to transform schools into accelerators

NeXT bIG NExT for a better world is where innovation is measured by its effect on people's culture and economic life, mobilizing leaders and mind waves

There is project, a product, but it is the end and not the means. Start is an extracurricular experimental co-working spaces driven by Classpace

Descriptive Vision Language using Storytelling Metaphor for Agile Software Planning, fostering serendipitous deep creativity in real world experience

From behavior economics, brain science, technology and sociology, a new set of adaptive design patterns for motivation while overcoming cognitive bias

Say hello

Ehud Heller

Ehud Heller

Co-founder and CTO

Eitan Sessler

Co-founder and CEO

Dr. Ariel Frank

Academic advisor

Real news

Always on

If you are interested in cooperating with us, if you are experienced entrepreneurs or visionary investors who want to provide together solutions for a better world and are looking for ideas that are highly feasible, you are welcome to contact us.






Alexandroni 7b Ramat Gan, Israel